Main Menu
- Home
- Meet our Therapists
- Uncategorised
- Jane Langley
- Carole-anne Stevens
- Alina Croitoru
- Tracey Forrest
- Claire Money
- Alison Rixson
- Louise Wheeler
- Sarah Wilson
- Sinead Quinn
- Claire Chalcraft-Pears
- Jason Lugg
- James Ellis
- Leena Loerns
- Penny Hatton
- Jane Watson - Clark
- Elliot Chapman
- Angela Old
- Alison Lonsdale
- Tony Donovan
- Elvira Casella
- Sue Bullock
- Sara Deal
- William Thomson
- Donna Mendel
- Corinna Foster
- Hannah Lawless
- Cathy Platt
- Zoe Pepall
- Shaun Gordon
- Marta Bezzone
- Federica Zammuto
- Shaun Lock
- Evis Read
- Matthew Burch, Phd
- Irene McMullin
- Roy Wong
- Felix Mettke
- Paul Gledhill
- How can we help?
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Our Location
52 North Hill
Colchester CO1 1PY
The centre is located On North Hill, next door to the 6th Form College and the entrance is on the right hand side along the driveway between the college and North Hill Hotel. It is discreetly positioned but easily accessed.
We work from early in the morning until late into the evening and a small number of our therapists work on a Saturday and Sunday. Our 7 child and adolescent counsellors work after school hours (from 4pm) on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and 4 of them have appointments on Saturdays and Sundays.
Therapists you can trust
All our counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists are registered with one of the main therapy organisations and work to a code of ethical practice ensuring a high standard of care.
Site information
Contact us
Tel: 01206 544458